Thursday, 28 March 2013

Week 11

One of them weeks

Well this week has been a mixed week in terms of training, for some reason in Spring when we are all being bombarded about saving the planet because we are making it warm up to much! We seem to have had this rather cold icy white stuff falling from above I believe from what I read on facebook this phenomenon is called snow.

Maybe it is just me getting old but I hate the snow, it just makes it harder to do things, playing on your mind like some sort of travelling gypsy fortune teller who wants to make a quick fiver, tells you something you didn't want to hear like if you go out next Thursday you may well get caught up in a gangs crossfire.You think that is a load of rubbish I ain't going to stay in the crazy fool, but then you end up doubting this and start saying to yourself well what if she was right, I had better stay in just in case. And so it is with snow you say oh well it's only a bit of snow, lets go out then its like but what if I get stuck in the snow and I have to abandon my car ahh man we will just stay in.

So Saturday came and this is my day set out for my nice long slow runs and you guessed it all day my mind payed with the idea of going out regardless or staying in, I opted to stay in because to me that was a better idea then hitting the snow finding the ice bit slipping over and injuring myself, and so because of this snow my plan was knocked off schedule.

Being knocked off schedule is probably the most annoying thing I have experienced so far, I find that an almost regimented plan helps me to produce better results, and this set back has meant I have not done as much this week as I would have liked to. Also in the same weekend, It was my sisters birthday and for that we went to red hot buffet, now that is not the place to go just to eat a few bits of salad and some of the healthier food options, this is a place you get your monies worth and pig out on pizza, chips, curry and don't forget the dessert, so I indulged myself this week and it has but me in a strange place, I enjoyed treating myself but at the same time felt guilty about it. I have ended up thinking well in ten weeks I can now run 4 miles and I should reward myself, but the guilt was enough to say but only this week and it is back to all healthy meals again.

Monday came and I decided I will go to the gym and do my long run on the treadmill(this is a runners nightmare from what I have read so far) 48 minutes later and the result an extremely satisfying 5 miles completed, almost half way there I love these long runs they really do give you a feel good factor, knowing you're achieving something is one of the greatest feelings known to man no matter what the achievement is.


Last week this blog was read by more people then ever before in one week, it is currently just 10 shy of 1000 views, and I hope everyone has enjoyed it so far. In this week there was also a flurry of sponsors, and I would like to express my gratitude for your kindness, I am now at £342, so very nearly at my target, and this money will go a long way to help fund important research into preventing the loss of babies which 17 families a day are effected by in the UK.
It will also help provide families with much needed support ensuring people are there to listen when you need to talk, to assist you in dealing with heart wrenching funeral plans and also help you to remember a loved child with things such as memorial services at Christmas

Thank you all for your support

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Week 10

Story of another runner

Hello, this week I have something different to bring to the table. Since I started on this journey, I have found reading other runners stories on what inspired them, kept them motivated and how they prepared. My main source for this information has been reading runners world articles, this week I thought I would bring you the story of Natalie, an old friend of mine. She has recently completed a half marathon where she raised money for one of the charities I will be running for raising £382.69 in the process, and it has inspired me to carry on with the hard work I have put in so far.

Here is what she thought about her experience

What run did you do?

I ran in the Silverstone Half Marathon on 3rd March 2013.

What made you decide to take part in this run?

I ran in support of 'children are butterflies' and 'Baby Harry' a family member who lost his life before he was able to take a breath.

How fit were you when you started training?

I have enjoyed running and been running for a number of years I put my feet up to rest when I fell pregnant with my Daughter. When she was 6 weeks old and I got the OK from the doctors I put my running trainers back on & started again. After having such a long break I struggled! I could barely power walk one side of the park but day by day I got back to my normal fitness level and ran 8 laps of that same park just before my half can be done!

How long did you train for?

I trained for the half marathon long distance for about 3 months running 3-4 times a week. Short runs, interval training & gym in the week followed by a long distance run at the weekend

What was the race experience like?

The race experience was surreal all I could hear was my music as my headphones were taped to my ears but had the feeling of running alongside thousands of runners that shared the same interest as me. Every so often I would get a pat on the shoulders from other runners and I did the same to others that felt as though they wanted to stop it was a real buzz! I Probably didn't sleep properly for a week before the race and caught the dreaded cough & cold but pulled it together and got on I felt nervous but excited at the same time

What time did you manage to complete the race in?

I completed the race in 2:02 hours, running over that finishing line was amazing! I wanted to turn the clocks back and do it again I can't wait to do another & my hopes are high to get into the London Marathon next year which I failed to get into this year.

What advice would you give to someone who was thinking of running a half marathon?

Advice to anyone wanting to complete a half marathon.......just do it! Keep focused, relax and most of all enjoy it! Running becomes enjoyable when you no longer feel the pain but enjoy it. Too many people tell me they can't run but dont knock it until you try it! They may find they like it.

Quick Update

I hope you enjoyed the insight into the life of another runner, but I know you all are dieing to know about my progress this week. I will keep it short and provide some more detail next week, this week I have managed to run 4 miles which whilst I was running felt like an incredible distance only to be faced with the reality that I will have to do this run 3 times over it is a little daunting, on the plus side my lung capacity seems to be capable of managing the feat I just need to work up the power in my legs now.

I have continued with my gym work out to improve my core muscles, which has lead to an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in weight so it is doing something.

That's your lot for this week guys, until next week keep on running

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Week 9


This week has been a good week in my training life, more progress has been made which is always a good thing. On Saturday I managed to complete my first 5k in a reasonable time of 31.02. In total I ran 3.29 miles.

This run was 2 laps around the big part of Abington Park, there are some pretty tasty hills on that route which add some extra spice to the run. The feeling of satisfaction after completing this run was the best yet. I was on the home straight feeling the effects of the 5k I had just run, knowing just around the corner was a milestone to signal two laps were completed. Yes yes yes I shouted in my head, sounding a bit like them crazy women off the herbal essences adverts. 3 miles down 10 to go on my quest.

I have in my life attempted to run a lap around the park never quiet managing it, simply because I lacked the determination. I used to see other runners going round and lapping me with ease. I used to think these were some kind of super humans. Who on earth could run two laps with that ease? crazy people! Now I am up there with them I have a long way to go but I have come a long way too and I am so excited to see where I am going to be in 6 months time when I cross the start and finish line in Newcastle.

Gym Time

This week I also joined a local gym to try and ensure I can get the best performance I can. I have joined mainly to strengthen my core muscles my routine includes a ten minute warm up on the rowing machine, 36 reps on the leg press on 180lb, 36 reps on the chest press at 80lb, 36 rows using the trx ropes, 36 reps with free weight lifts, planks on a gym ball and 20 minutes on the treadmill at a pace of 11 km/h. A pretty gruelling work out to start off on and after my first session it's safe to say I was worked hard, but I have to train hard or go home.

For any one who is thinking of taking up running you will find most people say to avoid the treadmill and keep outside and so far on my experience I would agree with these people, but I do however think it has it's place to prepare you, it helps you to maintain a pace, as too often when you start out you can go too fast which then increases your perception of effort. The higher your perception the harder it is to get your self motivated.

I will say when running do your long runs outside, as nothing beats the fresh air and if you can find some where scenic then even better as you have a nice distraction from the pains you get whilst running.

Until next week

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Weeks 7 & 8


Start this week of with an apology for the lack of blogage last week. It turns out that not only do you need to exercise your body you also have to exercise your brain! So after a week of learning about DOM's, BOM's, functions and objects as well as mastering the joys of public transport and the wonderful London underground, I think its fair to say my brain got a full work out although with all this extra knowledge surely that wont look good on the scales?


This week I completed the plan as set out on the great run app with the aim of being able to run for at least 20 minutes a week ahead of schedule. I thought it would be interesting to review the last 8 weeks.


Well I will start off by looking at how far I have come in terms of fitness, when I started I could barely run to the shop with out being knackered this was only 322 meters away from my house. (When I look at that I wonder how I let my self become so unfit!)

Several weeks of either walking or running only 3 times a week I am proud to say I can now achieve a distance of 2.5 miles or 4119.9 meters which is a massive 1179% increase, not to shabby for a few weeks work


Stepping on them scales back in January and being faced with a weight of 15st 6lbs was a massive shock. I never felt that I looked fat and so I guess it was pretty well disguised. This was too heavy for me to become a runner and had to change. I have expressed on here previously the changes I made particuarly to my diet and the results have been worth it.

This morning I came in at 14st 4lb 4oz meaning total lost to date is 1 stone and 2 pounds (Result!!!), I have also reduced my body fat from 26.4% down to 23.9% and increased muscle mass from 69.5% to 71.9%. Still some work on that front to be done but still major progress.


The reason I am doing all of this as you are aware is to raise money for two amazing charities that have helped a great deal at the lowest point of my life, children are butterflies and SANDS. Doing this run just 1 day after my beloved Jasmine would be 1 is not only going to test my physical limits but also push my emotional boundaries, running in her memory when I should be celebrating her birthday is going to be incredibly hard make no doubt about that. However I will do this because I am doing it not only for my daughter but also to help reduce the number of families in our situation and to ensure that there will always be the support for those who do suffer from the loss of a child.

So far I have raised £287.00 or £344.50 if you include gift aid. An incredible amount and thanks to every one who has donated so generously. I am pretty sure every donation gives me a bit of extra momentum so please do keep them coming

Last but not least I must also thank every one for reading this blog, checking the stats this morning it has been read by just over 700 people. If you like what you read, please feel free to share amongst friends and followers on the various social networks out there.