Thursday, 11 April 2013

Week 13

Ohhh We're half way there

Welcome back to my Great North Story. It has been a pretty awesome week in terms of progress made with positive results on all fronts. On the Saturday a rather strange thing happened this year, in the sky was this golden object that produced such light and something that I have not felt from the sky this year a bit of warmth, just that on its own gives you that happy feeling mix this with a run and you have got the best form of happy pills in the world fact.(on a side note is the suns main purpose to provide light or heat? seems like lately it has turned into a energy efficiency light bulb, reduces the heat energy escaping but then also sacrifices on the power of the light and you live in dimness, if NASA wouldn't mind they could revert back to the old less efficient sun thanks).

Sorry I digress, I tried out a new route this week starting at the Bradlaugh fields, running from the entrance near Morrison's all the way to Kingsthorpe Cemetery popping into see Jasmine on route so she can see her dad hard at work in her garden, ran back to the entrance of Bradlaugh fields, decided that was not enough so turned back around ran to the university and back again clocking in a 6.3 mile run in the process, half way there now can I get a whoop whoop.

The run took me 1 hour 6 minutes, which I am very happy with on a route that was hilly I couldn't help but get a great feeling of satisfaction, I think this might be my favourite route so far, as you are just in a world of your own feeding energy from the surrounding landscape, taking in fresh air from the tree's into your lungs with the sun keeping you warm, it really is a beautiful feeling.

Bye bye 14s

Another highlight of the week is that I weighed in under 14 stone for the first time in years so getting a lot closer to my goal weight, muscle mass has also increased this week by over 1% which is rather satisfying. I put this down in part to the nutritional benefits of the herbalife sports 24 range, I have been using the rebuild endurance this week, which offers runners the perfect recovery requirements to replenish your bodies stores of glycogen and proteins. Normally after my long runs I feel the aches for the next 2 days, this time however there were no aches or pains. I would recommend this product to any serious sportsmen for more info you can visit

That is all from me this week until next time

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